
Workshop 1
“The Sky’s the Limit“: opportunities and future of implementing unmanned aerial vehicles in the field of internal security

The workshop focuses on the future of internal security and the possibilities for integrating unmanned aerial vehicles, especially drones, into current workflows. The workshop will also investigate the possible value of adopting drone technology in the context of cross-institutional collaboration as well as new capabilities that such technology may provide in internal security more broadly. Attendees will include international experts as well as institutions contributing to a safe and well-functioning Estonian society. These groups will introduce pilot projects in which drone usage is being tested as well as projects where drones have already been fully implemented.

The following topics will be presented at the workshop:

  Presentation: Presenter:
9:00-9:05 Opening Moderator: Siim Lindmaa
9:05-9:25 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle current use and further possibilities at the Republic of Estonia Environmental Board Janar Aleksandrov
Chief specialist of ICT at the Estonian Environmental Board


Use of aerial drone technology to monitor natural gas pipelines for safety and security Merlin Benner
CEO, co-founder and drone pilot at Remote Intelligence


Estonian Academy of Security Sciences project “Kotkas“’ – artificial intelligence system for supporting search and rescue missions

Andres Mumma
Head of drone centre at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences

Jaanika Puusalu
Junior Research Fellow at the Internal Security Institute of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences


Do we see drones in the future of healtcare? Lilian Lääts
Head of ambulance centre at the North Estonian Medical Centre


Drone technology implementation in police work with North Carolina Highway Patrol as an example Brian Leventhal
Pilot/trooper at North Carolina State Highway Patrol
10:45 Closing Moderator


Workshop 2
“Preparedness for Migration Crises“

The workshop organized by the Estonian national contact point of the European Migration Network (EMN Estonia) is focusing on the capacity to handle migration crises.

The world around us is constantly changing bringing along various challenges, including in the field of migration. A clear example is the situation at the border of the European Union and Belarus. In a rapidly escalating situation, Belarus has challenged the EU to manage the mass influx of migrants. Consequently, the numbers of irregular border crossings reached almost 6200 between January and September 2021 with the border between Lithuania and Belarus being most affected with more than 4000 irregular crossings during this period. The people at the border were mainly from Iraq and Syria, but also from African countries and Afghanistan.

The aim of the workshop organized by EMN Estonia is to discuss the resilience of Estonia and the other Baltic countries in the event of migration crisis. How do experts from Lithuania and Latvia assess the capability to face the current situation? As similar situation may affect Estonia as well, how well are we prepared on an organisational and practical level for situations of mass influx of migrants from third countries? How to ensure that while protecting the border also human rights are protected? What can we learn from our Lithuanian and Latvian colleagues who are currently facing migratory pressure from Belarus?

The following topics will be presented at the workshop:

  Presentation: Presenter:

Migration Crisis – Lessons Learned

Saulius Nekrasevicius
State Border Guard Service of the Republic of Lithuania

Latvian experience countering hybrid attack at the Latvian-Belarusian border

Līga Neidere
Latvian Ministry of the Interior
11.45-12.00 Mass influx – is it also possible in Estonia? Toomas Malva
Estonian Ministry of the Interior
12.00 – 12.15 When people become “weaponized": upholding human rights in situations of migration Eero Janson
Estonian Refugee Council;
12:15- 12.45 Panel discussion on preparedness for a migration crisis  

Workshop 3
“The future of justice and law-enforcement, the next generation of educated officials“

The younger generation inherits the planet not based on what the previous ones have said but based on what they have done. The new generation is globally connected and with very strong mindset on what the world to live in should look like. Throughout the conference different experts have shared their opinions looking back 30 years. But where do we go from here? The workshop introduces the views and visions of the next generation who are studying at the Academy right now, and thanks to Erasmus exchange program they come from many different countries to share their stories and opinions on how they see the changes in law enforcement and legal education and their own professional development.

Moderator: Marek Link