Kristina Kallas
Kristina Kallas is a lecturer at the University of Tartu and vice-chairman and board member of Estonia 200. With a doctoral degree in political sciences, her research is focused on the development of Russian-speaking minorities outside Russia as well as on the issues of integration and migration. She was the Director of Narva College of the University of Tartu in 2015-2019. She works as an expert for the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities advising the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in the area of integration policy.

Kristian Jaani
Kristian Jaani has worked in the police forces for 25 years from the position of a patrol officer up to a top leader. He graduated from the Academy of Security Sciences in 1999 specialising in the police service and acquired his Master’s degree in social sciences in 2014. He has worked as a visiting lecturer at the academy and gained professional experience also as a Minister of the Interior, starting from 30 October he will be the Director of the Police and Border Guard College of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.

Kimmo Himberg
Kimmo Himberg served the Finnish police for over 30 years in various managerial positions. In 2011-2021, until his retirement, he was the Rector of the Police University College, the sole provider of police education in the country. Kimmo has a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from University of Helsinki and a postgraduate certificate in criminal justice management from University of Birmingham, UK. He was the Chair of the Management Board of European Agency for Law Enforcement Training CEPOL in 2019-2020. He has provided expert services to e.g. EU Commission, Council of Europe, Interpol, UNODC, and ENFSI. He has extensive twinning project experience from several projects over the past 20 years.

Tarmo Miilits
In his entire career, Tarmo Miilits has been dedicated to the development of law enforcement and internal security both in Estonia and abroad. He graduated
from the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences specialising in police service in 2002 and acquired his Master’s thesis in internal security in 2021. His professional career began as a teacher at the Police School already in 1990. His career in the police forces peaked in the position of Deputy Director-General of the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board. After that in 2013-2016, he acquired international experience on a EUPOL mission in Afghanistan in various top positions, including the Deputy Head of Mission. Before joining the Ministry of the Interior in January 2022, he worked atthe Estonian Internal Security Service.

Vilard Bytyqi
Vilard Bytyqi is Professor of legal and criminal subjects at the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety. He has BA in Law and MA in Criminal Law from University of Prishtina, and PhD in Criminal Law from South-East European University (North Macedonia). He is a member of the Kosovo Judicial Council, elected by the Assembly of Kosovo and he is also a part-time trainer at the Kosovo Justice Academy.

Skender Agaj
Skender Agaj is an External Relations Officer of the External Relations Division at the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS). He works in this position since the beginning of 2019, while he started to work at KAPS since 2009. He is completing his MA degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (2021 - 2023) at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, while he previously completed BA degree in Political Science (2017 - 2021) at the same University. He was constantly engaged on KAPS international cooperation, including the Resident Twinning Adviser (RTA) Contact Point for the both EU-funded Twinning Projects implemented by Finland and Estonia at KAPS, “Improved Education in Public Safety and Security Sectors in Kosovo” (2012 - 2014) and “Further Support to Public Safety in Kosovo” (2016 - 2019).

Uwe Marquardt
Mr. Marquardt successfully completed a Master’s course in “Criminal Justice, Governance and Police Science” at the Ruhr University of Bochum and was a lecturer for International Peacekeeping there until 2018. From 2001 till 2020 he served in various positions as senior officer within the police force of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), amongst others from 2006 till 2007 as Chief of Staff to the Police Commissioner of the United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). From 2009 till 2012 he worked for the Inspector General of the NRW police force and head of the state-federal working group on international police missions (AG IPM) in the NRW Ministry of the Interior. Today he works as the vice president of the German Police University.

Jüri Saar
Starting from this spring, Jüri Saar works as a researcher at the Internal Security Institute of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. He acquired his doctoral candidate degree in legal psychology at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1989 and his doctoral degree in criminology at Tartu University in 2003. There are almost 100 publications in the list of his published scientific works. In press media, he has published more than 200 opinion articles and commentaries on issues such as crime in Estonia, control of crime, internal security and political culture.

Lavly Perling
Today, Lavly Perling works for the EU advising Ukraine in their legislative reforms. In 1996-2020 she worked for the Prosecutor’s Office in various fields and regions, advancing within the system both horizontally and vertically. In terms of criminal proceedings management, she has cooperated with the Police and Border Guard Board, Estonian Internal Security Service, Tax and Customs Board as well as all smaller investigating authorities. With her teams, she has tackled drug-related and organised crime, corruption as well as criminal offences against the state. While working as the Attorney-General of Estonia in 2014-2020, she devised the value system of the Prosecutor’s Office. She is the chairperson of the party Parempoolsed.

Leena Kaikkonen
Leena Kaikkonen has worked as a Principal Lecturer at the School of Professional Teacher Education of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK) since 1990, having gained an extensive experience on teacher education of both vocational and higher education and a wide range of teachers’ in-service training programmes in Finland and abroad. Leena has also served more than 10 years as the Head of Research and Development managing national and international R&D activities as well as global education services related to teacher education in JAMK. Her fields of expertise comprise both the individual capacity building of teachers, as well as the design and implementation of organizational development processes of education providers. Her experience in a form of teacher education programmes and other educational development projects roots to various countries, e.g. Albania, Argentina, China, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mozambique, Vietnam and many of the EU-countries. Leena has a background of kindergarten teacher, special education teacher and vocational teacher prior to her PhD (2003) in educational sciences

Alexandru Caciuloiu
Alexandru Caciuloiu is the Deputy Head of the Training and Research Unit, and Head of the E-Learning Sector at the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training - CEPOL. In this position, his main responsibilities are to support the designing, planning, implementing, and reporting of CEPOL's law enforcement training activities for the EU member states and the development and implementation of the EU law enforcement training strategy.
From 2017 to 2022 Alex was the UNODC Cyber Coordinator for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, based in Bangkok, Thailand.
Prior to joining UNODC, Alex held two consecutive positions at INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation, in Singapore, spending the initial part of his posting coordinating cybercrime investigations and the latter part, focused on building, and strengthening the capacity of INTERPOL member states to fight cybercrime.

Jaak Aaviksoo
Jaak Aaviksoo graduated from Tartu University and he has worked as a physicist in Estonia as well as abroad. He has worked as a professor and rector of Tartu University, minister of education and minister of defence, rector of Tallinn University of Technology. He is a member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.

Kristjan Oad
Kristjan Oad is a partner of the PR-agency Kingmaker, a member of the cyber defence unit of the Estonian Defence League, the former CEO of the Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences Mainor and a head of department at the Youth Board. He holds a Master’s degree in law from Tartu University and he is currently a PhD student in history at Tallinn University. He has published several scientific and popular science articles and provided commentaries in the media on topics such as language instruction, immigration and strategic communication..