Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research

About the Journal

"Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research" is a non-profit academic journal that publishes well-documented and analyzed studies on the full range of contemporary security issues, especially internal security and law enforcement related topics with European or global international focus. 

Until the year 2023, the journal was known as "Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences". 

The journal is a peer-reviewed  academic journal, that since the year 2024 appears twice a year. So far the journal has been published once a year.

"Security Spectrum" does not charge a publication fee. 

The language of the contributions is English. Before publication, each submitted paper is subject to a double-blind peer review by two independent experts.  The Editorial Board accepts articles throughout the year; however the journal is published in June and December. 

"Security Spectrum" is referenced by Central & Eastern European Academic Source (EBSCO). According to the classificators of the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS), the Security Spectrum is classified as 1.2.

The 25th issue of the journal focuses on the topic of police and border guard, to activities of the police and border guards and the analysis of related legislation. This summer, the Law Enforcement Act of the Republic of Estonia turned 10 years old. Working under it has been a paradigmatic change - the focus is on deterring threats rather than punishing people. Punishment is still there, but it is no longer primary. How to find a balance between preventing and punishing is the key question. Many law enforcement agencies operate under the law on policing. Each of Estonia's eleven ministries has at least two law enforcement bodies - agencies or inspectorates - with state supervisory powers. 

Subtitle of next edition is "Pro Bono Publico - for the public good and benefit". 

The manuscripts shall be submitted electronically to teadusinfo [at] Guidelines for submission can be found below.

The call for manuscripts of journal's 25th issue is open until February 3rd, 2025.


Submission guidelines and related deadlines: 

Submission deadline for articles: 3rd of February 2025.

Articles not exceeding 25 pages (1800 characters per page) and abstracts (no more than 500 characters) should be sent to teadusinfo [at]  

Please note that each article will be subject to a double-blind peer review process and positive reviews will be a condition for the publication.


Open access statement: 

"Security Spectrum" provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The journal has an open access, all its content is freely available without charge to users. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author as long as they cite the source.

"Security Spectrum" operates under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence CC-BY. This allows others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, as long as they credit the authors for the original creation. All authors publishing in Security Spectrum accept these as the terms of publication.

 The authors keeps the rights to:
1. Make copies of the article (all or part) for teaching or scientific purposes.
2. Include the article (all or part) in a research thesis or dissertation.
3. Make oral presentation of the article (all or part) and to include a summary and/or highlights of it in papers distributed at such presentations or in conference proceedings.
4. Include electronic copies of the article (including final published Journal format) on:
- personal authors’ web-resources (web-sites, web-pages, blogs, etc.);
- web-resources of the Institutions (including their repositories) where authors worked when research for the article was carried out;
- noncommercial web-resources of open access (, and etc.).

In all cases, the availability of a bibliographic link to an article or hyperlink to its electronic copy on the official website of the journal is compulsory.

The journal adheres to Estonian Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity


Copyright terms:

If authors wish to include any material in which they do not hold copyright, authors must obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to manuscript submission.


Editorial policy

Editorial board


ISSN 2806-3600 (print)

ISSN 2806-3619 (online)




Full text articles

Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (2025/25) Pro Bono Publico - for the public good and benefit

Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (2024/24) Challenges to security arising from migration: exploring the nexus between migration and security

Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (2024/23) Challenges for criminology in turbulent times

Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (2023/22) New challenges for internal security due to the war on Ukraine

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Changing global security architecture (2022)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Security challenges during COVID-19: lessons learned and perspectives (2021)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Old and new threats – challenges for internal security (2020)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Security: from corner to corner (2019)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Versatile Security (2018)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: From Research to Security Union (2017)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Perspective Security (2016)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Sustained Security (2015)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Networked Security (2014)

Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences: Connecting Security (2013)