Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research on kaks korda aastas ilmuv sisejulgeoleku alane eelretsenseeritav ingliskeelne teadusajakiri, millel on rahvusvaheline toimetuskolleegium ja rahvusvaheline levik (ETIS 1.2). Ajakiri kandis aastani 2023 (k.a) nime Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences ja ilmus kord aastas.
ISSN 2806-3600 (print)
ISSN 2806-3619 (online)
Toimetuskolleegium ootab ajakirja jaoks artikleid aastaringselt.
Ajakiri on digitaalselt kättesaadav Sisekaitseakadeemia digiriiulis.
Viimased numbrid:
- Challenges to Security Arising from Migration: Exploring the Nexus Between Migration and Security (2024)
- Challenges for Criminology in Turbulent Times (2024)
- New Challenges for Internal Security Due to the War on Ukraine (2023)
- Changing Global Security Architecture (2022)
- Security Challenges During COVID-19: Lessons Learned and Perspectives (2021)
- Old and New Threats – Challenges for Internal Security (2020)
- Security: From Corner To Corner (2019)
- Versatile Security (2018)
- From Reasearch to Security Union (2017)
- Perspective Security (2016)
- Sustained Security (2015)
- Networked Security (2014)
- Connecting Security (2013)
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
no 24/2024: Challenges to Security Arising from Migration: Exploring the Nexus Between Migration and Security
TOIMETAJA: Triin Rätsepp
KEELETOIMETAJA: Refiner Translations OÜ
KUJUNDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN 978-9985-67-447-5
ISBN 978-9985-67-448-2 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 272
ILMUMISAEG: 17.12.2024
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
no 22/2023: New Challenges for Internal Security Due to the War on Ukraine
TOIMETAJA: Triin Rätsepp
KUJUNDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN: 978-9985-67-414-7 (köites)
ISBN: 978-9985-67-415-4 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 214
ILMUMISAEG: 12.12.2023
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
no 21/2022: Changing Global Security Architecture
KUJUNDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN: 978-9985-67-389-8 (köites)
ISBN: 978-9985-67-390-4 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 160
ILMUMISAEG: 30.11.2022
Sisekaitseakadeemia teadusajakirja 21. numbris on fookuses maailma muutunud julgeoleku arhitektuur: Eesti spetsialistide hoiakud, uskumused ja teadmised probleemidest seoses laste seksuaalse kuritarvitamisega, Hiina geomajandus ja strateegilised huvid Vahemere piirkonnas, terrorismivastast võitlust käsitlevad õigusaktid Poolas, geo-ruumiline kriisiindeks ja suurandmete kasutamine Ungari kaitseväes ning liiklusõiguse rakendamise tõhususe näitajad.
Current 21st issue of the magazine focuses on researches of changed global security architecture, including Estonian professionals’ attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about issues regarding child sexual abuse; indicators for the effectiveness of traffic law enforcement; Chinese geo-economics and strategic interests in the Mediterranean region; legislation on combatting terrorism in the Republic of Poland, geospatial crisis index and use of mass data in the Hungarian Defence Forces in the future.
Foreword. Raul Savimaa, Triin Rätsepp
Estonian Professionals’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Knowledge about Issues
Regarding Child Sexual Abuse. Kristjan Kask
Indicators for the Effectiveness of Traffic Law Enforcement. Vesa Huotari
Chinese Geo-Economics and Strategic Interests in the Broader Mediterranean Region. Gunther Hauser
Legislation on Combatting Terrorism in the Republic of Poland. Aleksander Olech
Geospatial Crisis Index – Use of Mass Data in Security Geographic Analyses in the Hungarian Defence Forces in the Future. Péter Balog
PEATOIMETAJA: Vladimir Sazonov
KEELETOIMETAJA: Luisa Tõlkebüroo
ISBN 978-9985-67-355-3 (köites)
ISBN 978-9985-67-356-0 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 288
ILMUMISAEG: 22.11.2021
Sisekaitseakadeemia teadusajakirja Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (endise nimega Proceedings of the Academy of Security Sciences) 22. number kajastab Euroopa eri riikide praegust siseturvalisuse ja julgeoleku probleemistikku kõigil ühiskonnatasanditel Vene-Ukraina sõja foonil, mis paratamatult põhjustab olulisi muutusi kogu maailmakorras. Käesolev number koosneb kuuest artiklist, mis uurivad Ukrainas toimuvat ja Venemaa agressiooni erinevatest vaatenurkadest: globaalsed suundumused, rahvusvahelised aspektid ja kohalikud kajastused-lähenemised erinevates riikides. Valminud on uuringud erinevatel teemadel, alates politsei sõnumi tajumisest erinevates keelekogukondades Eestis ja lõpetades Hiina globaalsete huvide vaatlemisega Ukraina sõjategevuse kontekstis.
Scientific journal Security Spectrum: Journal of Advanced Security Research (formerly known as Proceedings of EASS) reflects in its current 22nd number internal security and safety problematics of different European countries at all levels of society against the backdrop of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which inevitably causes significant changes in the world order. This issue consists of six articles that examine the events in Ukraine and Russian aggression from different anglees: global trends, international aspects, local reflections and developments in different countries. Studies have been completed on a variety of topics, ranging from the perception of the police message in different language communities in Estonia, to an examination of China’s global interests in the context of Ukraine’s military activities.
PEATOIMETAJA: Vladimir Sazonov
KEELETOIMETAJA: Avatar Tõlkebüroo
ISBN 978-9985-67-333-1 (köites)
ISBN 978-9985-67-334-8 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 268
ILMUMISAEG: 30.11.2020
PEATOIMETAJA: Helina Maasing
KÜLJENDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN 978-9985-67-303-4 (köites)
ISBN 978-9985-67-304-1 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 268
ILMUMISAEG: 13.12.2019
HIND: 15 eurot
Ilmunud on 18. number Sisekaitseakadeemia teadusajakirjast Proceedings, mille alapealkiri on „Security: From Corner To Corner“. Siseturvalisus ei tähenda ainult kuritegevuse vastu võitlemist, piiride kaitsmist või valmisolekut tegutseda nähtava kriisi ärahoidmiseks, vaid laiemalt turvalisust ühiskonnas. Selline lähenemine peegeldub ka käesoleva numbri artiklites, kus autorid käsitlevad turvalisuse ja julgeolekuküsimusi erinevates vaatenurkadest: küberturvalisusest kuni strateegilise kommunikatsioonini; laste riskikäitumist kuni riikide ja organisatsioonide vahelise julgeolekualase koostööni.
The 18th issue of the Proceedings of the Academy of Security Sciences, published this year, is titled Security: From Corner To Corner. Internal security is not just about fighting crime, protecting borders or being prepared to act to prevent a visible crisis. Effective internal security is much broader, it also means safety in society. This approach is also reflected in the articles in this issue, where authors address security and safety issues from different perspectives: from cybersecurity to strategic communication; risk behaviour of children up to security cooperation between countries and organizations.
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences no 17/2018: Versatile Security
PEATOIMETAJA: Helina Maasing
KÜLJENDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN 978-9985-67-299-0 (köites)
ISBN 978-9985-67-300-3 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 140
ILMUMISAEG: 07.12.2018
Sisekaitseakadeemia ingliskeelse teadusajakirja 17. number sisaldab nelja artiklit. Esimesed kaks on teadusartiklid, millest esimene leiab seoseid koolinoorte isikuomaduste ning nende riskikäitumise vahel liiklus-, tule- ja veeõnnetuste korral ning teine diskuteerib teemal, kas tuleks laiendada kohaliku omavalitsuse avalikku korda tagavate ametnike õigusi. Teised kaks artiklit on essee vormis mõttearendused, millest esimene käsitleb Venemaa lähenemist assümeetrilisse sõjapidamisse ning teine peegeldab erinevaid lähenemisviise ulatuslikule migratsioonile Vahemere lõunapiirkonnas.
This is the 17th issue of the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences academic journal, this year titled as Versatile Security. This general theme includes a broad range of topics in internal security, which is also reflected in the articles. The issue includes two research articles, the first of which finds links between personal characteristics of school children and their risk behaviour in traffic, fire, and water accidents. The second research article discusses the need to expand the rights of city and rural municipality public order officials when providing public order. The other two articles are essays, with the first one concerning Russia's approach to asymmetric warfare, and the second reflecting different approaches to large-scale migration in the southern Mediterranean.
- Personality, personal related factors and health related behaviour as predictors of pre-injury risk-taking behaviour in schoolchildren. Kadi Luht, Margo Klaos, Kenn Konstabel, Diva Eensoo
- City and rural municipality public order officials as bodies conducting state supervision proceedings – the needs and opportunities for increasing their rights. Ülle Vanaisak
- Understanding Russia’s asymmetric approach. Keith Little
- Combating the smuggling of migrants to the EU by sea – sources and potential types of reaction. Piotr Mickiewicz
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
no 16/2017: From Reasearch to Security Union
PEATOIMETAJA: Helina Maasing
KUJUNDAJA: Jan Garshnek
ISBN: 978-9985-67-287-7 (köites)
ISBN: 978-9985-67-288-4 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 260
ILMUMISAEG: 14.11.2017
Foreword. Helina Maasing, Editor-in-Chief
Speech for the Security Research Event 2017. Julian King, Commissioner for the Security Union
The echo of terrorism within domains important for developments of the police. Priit Suve
TENSOR: Retrieval and analysis of heterogeneous online content for terrorist activity recognition. Babak Akhgar, Pierre Bertrand, Christina Chalanouli, Tony Day, Helen Gibson, Dimitrios Kavallieros, Emmanuel Kermitsis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Eva Kyriakou, George Leventakis, Euthimios Lissaris, Simon Mille, Dimitrios Myttas, Theodora Tsikrika, Stefanos Vrochidis, Una Williamson
OSINT from a UK perspective: Considerations from the law enforcement and military domains. Douglas Wells, Helen Gibson
Elaboration and testing of the methodology of risk assessment and home visit questionnaire for dwellings. Kadi Luht, Ants Tammepuu, Helmo Käerdi, Tarmo Kull, Alar Valge
The national critical infrastructure protection program in Poland – assumptions. Rafał Wróbel, Zuzanna Derenda
Belief in superstition and locus of control among paid and volunteer rescue workers. Kristjan Kask
The role of socializing agents in creating a safer society from the perspective of domestic violence. Silvia Kaugia
AUGGMED: Developing multiplayer serious games technology to enhance first responder training. Jonathan Saunders, Helen Gibson, Roxanne Leitao, Babak Akhgar
Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
no 15/2016: Perspective Security
KUJUNDAJA: Margit Toovere
ISBN: 978-9985-67-270-9 (köites)
ISBN: 978-9985-67-271-6 (pdf)
MÕÕDUD: 158 x 230 mm
LK ARV: 100
ILMUMISAEG: 12.12.2016
Foreword. Uno Silberg, Editor-in-Chief
Quantifying the Cost of Fires in Estonia. Indrek Saar, Toomas Kääparin
Some aspects of the design and implementation of an English as a medium of instruction (EMI) course in teacher training: An example of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Evelyn Soidla, Aida Hatšaturjan, Triin Kibar, Tiina Meos'
Immigration of international students from third countries from the perspective of internal security: A case study outcome in comparison of representatives of higher education institutions and officials. Andres Ratassepp, Shvea Järvet, Liis Valk