Sisekaitseakadeemia sisejulgeoleku instituut korraldab koostöös Intelligence College Europe’ga
16. ja 17. juunil 2021.a rahvusvahelise veebiseminari
„Hybrid Threats and Their Impact on European Security“
Seminari töökeel on inglise keel ja mõlemal päeval algab sündmus kell 10.00 (EEST aja järgi).
Juhime tähelepanu, et alljärgnev ajakava on CEST (Central Europan Summer Time) aja järgi. Sündmusel puudub eestikeelne tõlge.
Seminari modereerivad Uku Särekanno (1. päev) ja Henrik Praks (2. päev).
Day 1
09.00 – 09.05 (CEST) |
Welcome speech |
Erkki Koort, |
09.05 – 09.10 |
Welcome speech |
Yasmine Gouedard, |
09.10 – 09.35
Hybrid threats and hybrid warfare
Keynote 1 Anthony Seaboyer, |
09.35 – 09.45 |
Q/A |
09.45 – 10.00
Policies and hybrid threats
Keynote 2 Hanno Pevkur, |
10.00 – 10.10 |
Q/A |
10.10 – 10.25 |
Influence of hybrid threats to internal security, economy and international relations |
Jonatan Vseviov, |
10.25 – 10.35 |
Q/A |
10.35 – 10.45 |
Break |
10.45 – 11.00 |
EU policies and concepts addressing hybrid threats |
Teemu Tammikko, PhD, policy officer, European External Action Service (EEAS) |
11.00 – 11.10 |
Q/A |
11.10 – 11.25
Signs of hybrid warfare |
Arnold Sinisalu, PhD |
11.25 – 11.35 |
Q/A |
11.35 – 11.50
Russian lawfare
Mark Voyger, |
11.50 – 12.00 |
Q/A |
12.00 - 12.05 |
Conclusions of Day 1 |
Moderator Uku Särekanno |
Day 2
09.00 – 09.05 (CEST)
Opening of Day 2 |
Moderator Henrik Praks |
09.05 – 09.20
09.20 – 09.40
Information advocacy activities as fake news, disinformation campaigns and other related activities
Russia's wider concept of "hybrid war"
Keynote 3 Vasyl Bodnar, debuty minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Keynote 4 Prof. Mark Galeotti, PhD, principal director of the Consultancy Mayak Intelligence, as well as an honorary professor at UCL, senior associate fellow of RUSI and senior non-resident fellow at the Institute of International Relations Prague and Middle East Institute |
09.40 – 09.50 |
Q/A |
09.50 – 10.45 |
Panel discussion |
Introduction: Russian Strategic narratives and disinformation campaigns
Vladimir Sazonov, PhD, research fellow of Internal Security Institute, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences
Russian Trolls and fake news as security threat
Jessikka Aro, |
Global Knowledge Warfare: the impact of strategic narratives produced by Russia, China, and the United States on changing security environment
Holger Mölder, PhD,
Strategic conspiracy narrative
Andreas Ventsel, PhD, University of Tartu, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institute of Philosophy and Semiotics, associate professor of semiotics
Mari-Liis Madisson, PhD, |
10.45 – 10.55 |
Detecting outside hybrid threats internally |
Alina Frolova, Centre for Defence Strategies |
10.55 - 11.10
11.10 – 11.25 |
Break |
11.25 – 11.40 |
Situational awareness and role of intelligence in situational awareness |
José Casimiro Morgado, director of EU Intelligence and Situation Centre, Portugal |
11.40 – 11.50 |
Q/A |
11.50 – 12.00
Conclusions and closing the Seminar
Erkki Koort, |
* Korraldajatel on õigus teha ajakavas ja ettekannete teemades muudatusi
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