Grading system

1. Evaluation of achievement of learning outcomes is part of the learning process, during which on the basis of specific evaluation criteria a fair and impartial evaluation is given regarding the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in accordance to the learning outcomes described in the curriculum. The purpose of the evaluation is support of learning and provision of reliable information concerning the performance of the studies. Evaluation of achievement of the learning outcomes is based on the regulation of the Minister of Education and Research "A Single Evaluation System of Higher education, With the Conditions of Granting a Diploma with Honors."

2. A subject is deemed completed when there has been an evaluation of study results with a positive outcome.

3. Evaluation of the study results takes place on the basis of the results of ongoing assessment and the final evaluation according to the calendar plan of the subject.

4. In the calendar plan of the subject are described the evaluation methods and the criteria so that achievement of all the learning outcomes has been checked. The method of evaluation is the way of verification of acquisition of knowledge and skills (such as a report, a test, an exam, a seminar). Evaluation criteria describe the expected level and scope of the knowledge and skills verifiable by the evaluation methods. An evaluation criterion is formulated on the basis of learning outcomes, but to a much greater detail.

5. The curriculum defines the form of final evaluation. The final evaluation will be conducted on a distinctive evaluation scale marked by letter "E", or on a non-distinctive evaluation scale marked by letter "A". The curriculum defines the form of final evaluation. The final evaluation takes the form of examinations and assessments. Internships, course papers and graduation papers are considered to be exams or assessments pursuant to distinctive or non-distinctive evaluation.

6. The academic assistant shall deliver to the lecturer the list of the students at least one week before the beginning of the studies.

7. In case of outcome-based curricula, evaluation can be either distinctive or non-distinctive. In case of distinctive evaluation, the level of achievement of the learning outcomes of the learners is distinguished on the basis of the following scale:

 "A" - "excellent" - outstanding and exceptionally broad level of achievement of learning outcomes, which is characterized by a free and creative use of knowledge and skills exceeding a very good level.
''B" - "very good" - a very good level of achievement of learning outcomes, which is characterized by purposeful and creative use of the knowledge and skills. In case of more specific and more detailed knowledge and skills, non-substantive and non-principal errors may occur.
 "C" - "good" - a good level of achievement of learning outcomes, which is characterized by purposeful use of knowledge and skills. Uncertainty and
inaccuracy is evident regarding more specific and more detailed knowledge and skills.
 "D" - "satisfactory" - an adequate level of outcomes achieved, which is characterized by the use of knowledge and skills in familiar situations, but in exceptional circumstances manifest shortcomings and uncertainty. A satisfactory grade is sufficient to continue the learning process.

"E" - "poor" - the minimum acceptable level of the key outcomes achieved, which is characterized by the use of knowledge and skills in limited ways, but in exceptional circumstances manifest considerable shortcomings and uncertainties. A poor grade is sufficient for continuing the studies or completion of the studies if the curriculum so provides.
 "F" - "failure" – the leaner has acquired the knowledge and skills on the level below the minimum level.

8. In case of non-distinctive evaluation, a two level scale is applied. This provides the level upon the level the outcomes corresponding to which or exceeding of which will be evaluated as sufficient with the word "passed" and the performance of which on a lower level is deemed unsatisfactory with the word "